lightning never strikes (the same place) twice


—used to say that a very unusual event is not likely to happen again to the same person or in the same place

This is how Merriam Webster defines the idiom - with all due respect, I disagree.

Two short weeks after being declared cancer free, I was diagnosed with a brand new tumor totally unrelated to last year’s breast cancer.

It will require more aggressive chemo and radiation and possibly surgery this time. Did I over-perform last round? 

And lucky me that I live in a city with the best of the best for care. I will again be treated at Dana Farber (hoping they have a frequent flyer program).  I don’t yet know the comprehensive plan, I will provide updates when I do. 

I’m so grateful to have just experienced a joyously spectacular vacation in Antarctica and Patagonia with Henrik and Maja (ironically, celebrating the end of cancer treatments and turning 70).  The memories will help sustain me. 

Admittedly, I’m a bit tired of “fighting” but I am a warrior and will dig down and find strength (except when I don’t!).  I am so grateful for each of you reading.  Imagining you, shining your light, fills me with hope. I am openly recruiting an Angel Squad comprised of those who will send good healing energy,  thoughts, and magic my way.  You’re hired!

Right now, I’m cranky, angry, terrified and really sad.  I am also cracking jokes, happy, and profoundly grateful for family and community around me, for Henrik and Maja literally seconds away, and for all the unseen support out there. For lightening? Not so much. 

My goal is to ride these waves with as much strength and grace as I can muster.  Grab a surfboard and hang ten with me!

ps: except when it does

My dear friend Sue reminded me that “like the famous scar of Odysseus in Homer’s epic poem, the Odyssey, Harry’s lightening bolt is a badge of honor, an emblem of having survived a great battle and of being destined to wage still more battles in the future”

Maybe not so much on future battles right now ;)

Kathy Ball-ToncicComment